6th Graders ONLY
Baby Pictures may also be emailed to Ms. Leighan Griffin.
- Teacher email addresses can be found under the staff listing tab.
September Students of the Month
Upper Grades 4th-6th
September Students of the Month
Lower Grades: PreK-3rd
October Students of the Month
Upper Grades: 4th-6th
October Students of the Month
Lower Grades: Pre K - 3rd
Ojo de Dios
Mrs Capers recently visited with Mrs. Watts's Kindergarten class and 2nd grade Mrs. Chandler’s class to make a craft called Ojo de Dios. It is a cross of wood covered in a colorful woven design and is often used as a decoration. The students had fun learning about the Hispanic tradition and culture. She introduced the students to some Spanish words and the meaning of the craft.
School Motto
"Educating Students For Success In A Changing World."
Red Carpet
Jersey Day
Color Wars
Western Day
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