Registration Information
2021-2022 NEW and RETURNING Student Registration
The NEW Student Registration Form is for a student who did NOT complete the year 2020-2021 in Jones County. The student will be new to our district. It is also for incoming Pre-K (once approved) and Kindergarten students who are new to the district.
The RETURNING Student Registration Form is for a student who DID complete the year 2020-2021 in Jones County. The student will be RETURNING to our district. ***YOU MUST HAVE A SNAPCODE TO REGISTER*** Snapcodes have been sent to Parent and Student emails.
NEW Student Registration 2021-2022 Click Here
REGISTRO de NUEVOS estudiantes 2021-2022 Hacer Clic

Kindergarten Registration for 2021-2022
Due to the COVID pandemic, Jones County Schools will alter the registration process for kindergarten students for the 2021-2022 school year. Parents/Guardians of upcoming kindergartners will be allowed to register students online during the entire month of April through the Jones County School District website The schools will not require a copy of the birth certificate, immunization record, or proofs of residency until the latter part of July. These documents will be required to finalize registration at that time. Also, an orientation week will be established during the first days of August to allow students the opportunity to meet with their teacher and see their classroom. Please check the district website and the schools’ websites throughout the summer to receive the latest information for completing the registration process and for noting the dates of orientation for kindergartners.