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Good Student Habits
Experts have determined that if we repeat an action for 21 days; it will become a habit. I urge you to take the 21-day challenge for your child and establish some Good Student Habits. Remember small consistent changes can yield big rewards.
What Good Students Know
What Good Students Know, (but don't always tell you.)
by Lea Lightsey, Ed.S. NCSC/NBCC
Here we are at progress report time and I have fielded a number of requests from parents for how to help their children. As I have told many students, the first thing we need to do is to assume responsibility for learning. When we suddenly realize that we are in control and choose to learn or not learn, then we begin to seek out ways to change the way we approach school. I tell my students that no one can keep them from learning, if that is what they want to do. Good students are not born, but they are made by the habits they are taught and develop through the years. Good students have a will to succeed and will attack a learning problem as an athlete approaches their sport, with a plan, more practice and persistence. I wanted to share with you some of the habits that I have collected through my years as a student, teacher, and school counselor. Remember that small changes can yield big rewards.
1.Good Students Study Every Day
That's right, even without homework given by the teacher, a good student will do some of the following things; extra math problems from past or upcoming assignments, read ahead or re-read in the subject that gives them problems, and read for fun. They may review vocabulary words for upcoming tests on a daily basis, just a few minutes each day. Establishing the habit of studying everyday will yield great benefits, not to mention, grades.
2. Good Students Set Goals
Setting goals will help to focus on what is important. Goals for this week, like improving a particular test grade can help a child begin the goal setting process. Also, discuss with your child a few goals for the school year and the necessary steps to accomplish these goals. When children they understand their vision (or what they are working toward); it is easier to eliminate irresponsible behaviors that are obstacles to their goals.
3. Good Students Plan Their Time
A good student will be responsible for turning in assignments on the due date. One way to help a child with this is to keep a big calendar to teach time management. Write down future assignments and events like practices, or games so that you are able to plan study time in advance and not allow big projects to slip up on you both. It becomes very stressful on the parents as well as the child, whenever a child fails to inform parents of an assignment until that last minute. Keeping a visual calendar will help eliminate this problem. Teaching children to plan ahead will also decrease the household stress.
4. Good students are Active Listeners and Note Takers
You can always tell the all "A" students by the way they listen, ask questions and take notes in class. The active listener will know that the teacher talks about the most important topics in class and will write those topics down for review at home during study time. If your child will develop this skill, and you can take the time to review with them on a daily basis-you can watch as grades go up.
5. Good Students have the Tools They Need
If you're the lead guitarist in a band, you would not dream of coming to practice without your guitar. A nurse would be lost without her stethoscope. But, some students think they can go to class without a pencil or paper or the tools they need to succeed. Good students make a habit of being prepared for class.
6. Good Students are ready for School Ahead of Time
Everyone has those mornings when we scramble to get ready on time. But, if the morning ritual of searching for lost shoes, homework, and books seems to plague your household, then here are a few tips. Remember that being late or early doesn't just happen; it is a choice. Teach your child to take five or ten minutes before bedtime to get ready for the next day. Lay out clothes. Pack their backpack. Soon, those few minutes each night will yield great benefits by establishing good habits and help him get to school ready to learn.